Monday, December 15, 2008


Lately, I feel like that has been the theme in my life. I am uncertain on where I should be, what I should be doing, and have been trying to figure out the purpose of this crazy life! I am not sure of where I am supposed to be going or what direction to head in. When I was younger I always had huge dreams of success and happiness and I wonder why I am not quite there yet. But just because Im not where I thought I would be doesn't mean where I am now is not a stepping stone for whats to come...
I am finally starting to feel less anxious and worried about the future now that I am beginning the Path of Surrender. What I have learned is that you can search all your life without getting any of those questions answered. No matter where I thought I would be after college or in 5 years, God has a different plan. God has a purpose and a plan for each of us. If we Surrender to Him, God will lead us on the path we are supposed to be on. In order to do this we have to be willing and let him take full control. This has been a daily struggle for me to start listening to God and what he wants for me, not what I think I want for myself. God has a way bigger plan for me than I can even imagine. I just have to follow him and uphold righteousness as he directs me.
I am reading a book by Joni Lamb called Surrender that has inspiring real-life experiences of people surrendering their life to God when everything seems so hopeless and God showing them encouragement for a soon discovered purpose for their life. I have learned that to surrender to God fully, it takes him taking over all areas of your life and prayer for constant submission. When they let God take the reins, they find PEACE, POWER, and PURPOSE.
I cannot wait to see God's plan for me unfold. I am willing to let him be the decision maker because I do not trust my own.

1 comment:

Megan C said...

I think you put what I am feeling about life into the words that I have not been able to find in the first few sentences.